Dr. Hirad Mokhayeri

Dr. Hirad Mokhayeri has conducted valuable scientific research in the field of cultural diplomacy studies in the Caucasus and Eurasia, which includes writing books and publishing articles in prestigious domestic and foreign journals and presenting scientific-research projects with the participation of government agencies of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the field of study, he has executive responsibilities in public-private scientific-research institutes and managerial and executive responsibilities in holding scientific congresses (national-international) and membership in the editorial board and judging of domestic and foreign specialized journals and membership in the faculty of international congresses. It is another of his scientific-research records.
Specialized education:
PhD in Political Science, majoring in International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch (2017-present)
Master of Political Science, majoring in International Relations, University of Guilan (2012-2013)
Main scientific research specialty:
-Cultural diplomacy
Caucasus Studies
– Studies in the field of Eurasia
Membership in scientific societies and associations:
Member of the Iranian Association of International Relations
Member of Iranian Political Science Association
Member of Islamic Human Rights of Iran
Member of the Iranian Environment Association
Member of the Iranian Association for United Nations Studies
Member of Iran International Security Studies
Member of Iran Regional Studies
Member of the Iranian Society for Peace Studies
Member of the Young and Elite Researchers Club
Researcher and Group Member (Eurasia-Middle East Relations) Middle East Center for Scientific Research and Strategic Studies
Member of the Iranian Association for World Studies
Member of the Iranian Association for Cultural Studies and Communication
Secretary Group Secretary of the Department of Strategic Considerations of Russia in the Middle East / Research Institute for Strategic Studies in the Middle East
Secretary of the Group Secretary of the Cultural Diplomacy Group; Art, Cinema and West Asia – West Asian Studies Association
The head of the policy-making core The head of the policy-making core of the Guilan Province Revolutionary Innovative Look Organization
International Articles Abroad
Mokhayeri, Hirad. Fatemeh, Jameei. (2017), “Environment and the way of affecting the decision-making process of the world”, QUID (Special Issue) Magazine, pp. 2508-2515. QUID 2017, pp. 2508-2515, Special Issue N ° 1- ISSN: 1692-343X, Medellín-Colombia.
Jameei, Fatemeh. Mokhayeri, Hirad. Rahmani, Zohreh (2018), “Environmental civil liability of government in law system of France and Iran”, at International Conference on Society and Environment which held at University of Tehran on 2 September 2018.
“Civil environmental liability of the government in the French and Iranian legal systems”, International Institute for Science, Technology and Education, (2021), Vol, No:
Mokhayeri, Hirad, “Investigating the Role and Influence of Diasporas in the Course of Political Interactions of Countries in the World Today”, at Arestanbul Arel University – Tehran Allameh Tabataba’i University Joint International Congress entitled, (Future Dynamics in Asia), which was held on May 14-15, 2022
Articles indexed in internal conferences
Bankruptcy, the survival of bankrupt corporations, and the jurisdiction of the courts in this regard in US law presented at the Ninth National Conference on Sustainable Development in Educational Sciences and Psychology, Social and Cultural Studies (1400)
A look at the proof of foreign law, the disadvantages of positive methods and new solutions in this field presented in the Sixth National Conference on Humanities and Management Studies (1399)
Bankruptcy of Companies, Reasons and Strategies to Prevent It in International Trade Law Presented at the Sixth National Conference on Humanities and Management Studies (2012)
A Look at the Concept of the Principle of Respect for Human Rights in the International System Presented at the Sixth National Conference on Modern Studies and Research in the Field of Humanities, Management and Entrepreneurship in Iran (2016)
Environment and how to influence the global decision-making process presented at the First International Conference on Development and Promotion of Humanities in Society (2017)
Review of conventions, treaties and environmental policies of governments at the international level to deal with the environmental crisis presented at the First International Conference on Development and Promotion of Humanities in Society (2017)
Free internal conference papers
Mokhayeri, Hirad (1400), “The importance of the position of civilization and culture in advancing the path of cultural diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran compared to Central Asian countries”, the first national conference of Iran and its neighbors (1400)
Mokhayeri, Hirad (1400), “The evolution of the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards the countries of the South Caucasus region after the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991-1997)”, the first national conference of Iran and its neighbors (1400)
Free articles in domestic specialized journals
Khaleghi Nejad, Maryam; Mokhiri, Hirad (1401) “Paradigmatic Capacities of the Iranian Diaspora”, National Security Watch Monthly, No. ،120,121. (1401)
Bijan, Aref; Mokhayeri, Hirad (1400) “The Post-Corona World; Rereading Nationalism and the Approach of States “, Quarterly Journal of National Interest Studies, Volume 6, Number 23, pp. 54-23. (1400)
Mokhayeri, Hirad (1400) “Study of the role and importance of the diaspora in today’s world and how it affects international relations”, Quarterly Journal of National Interest Studies, Volume 7, Number 25, pp. 20-20. (1400)
Jamei, Fatima; khavandgar ، Nader; Mokhayeri, Hirad (2016), “Study of the transaction of a contractual representative with himself in the Iranian legal system”, Ahrar Journal of Private Law, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 93-77. (1399)
Mokhayeri, Hirad; Simbar, Reza; Abdullahi, Atefeh (1397), “Identification of factors affecting the convergence and divergence of Astara border residents towards Azerbaijan”, Guilan Law Quarterly, Volume 7, Number 25, pp. 49-23. (1397)