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Dr. Farid SoltanGheys


Dr. Farid SoltanGheys

Born in 1991

PhD in International Law
Master of International Law
Bachelor of Laws

University lecturer and researcher in field of The international law and international political economy


Article titles:

◊Protection of cultural and historical property in international law with a view to the action of the International Criminal Court in the case of Mali

◊Motives for concluding treaties in the Westphalian system in the light of international political economy

◊ISIL’s performance from the perspective of the rules of Islamic law and international humanitarian law

◊The Construction of the Ilisu Dam in Turkey and its Contradiction with International Obligations to Neighbors in Accordance with the International Law

◊Relations between International Law and International Political Economy in Monetary and Financial International Institutions (Case study of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group)

تحریریه و شورای علمی اندیشکده ترند

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