Dr. Hirad Mokhayeri
Dr. Hirad Mokhayeri has conducted valuable scientific research in the field of cultural diplomacy studies in the Caucasus and Eurasia, which includes writing books and publishing articles in prestigious domestic…
Dr. Hirad Mokhayeri has conducted valuable scientific research in the field of cultural diplomacy studies in the Caucasus and Eurasia, which includes writing books and publishing articles in prestigious domestic…
Dr. Farid SoltanGheys Born in 1991 PhD in International Law Master of International Law Bachelor of Laws University lecturer and researcher in field of The international law and international…
Ramin Farhoudi Zarnagh Born in 1982 Holds a degree in jurisprudence and the basics of Islamic law from Payame Noor, Azarshahr branch M.A political science, University of Tabriz Media…